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Resources for Parents, Educators & Allies

Local Organizations

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Somos Familia

60 29th Street # 614
San Francisco, CA 94110

(510) 725-7764


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OUTLET offers a  LGBTQIA+ Parent Support Group
8 consecutive Mondays or Wednesdays 6:00-7:30 PM on Zoom
This is a therapy group for parents & caregivers of LGBTQIA+ youth. This group is both educational and process-oriented, meaning you will learn about LGBTQIA+ experiences and identities, develop coping skills and gain support in community with others who are navigating a version of raising an LGBTQIA+ young person. To begin the intake process for this group, please fill out their intake form. For more information about this group, please email or call Outlet.

Family Behaviors that Increase Your LGBTQ Child's Risk for Serious Health & Mental Health Problems Prevent from having LGBTQ friends or joining LGBTQ groups Tell that you're ashamed, that being LGBTQ is "just a phase", to "tone down" how they look/dress/behave Use religion to reject your child's sexual orientation, gender identity and expression Pressure your child to be more (or less) masculine or feminine Make your child pray or attend religous services to change or prevent their LGBTQ identity Blame your child when others mistreat them Don't use the name/pronoun that matches your child's gender identity Call names, hit, slap your child Try to change your child's LGBTQ identity or gender expression Let others speak badly about LGBTQ / gender diverse people in front of your child Make your child leave home The more of these you do the higher your LGBTQ child's risk High levels of Family Rejecting Behaviors = 6x Depression 5.5x Suicidal thoughts 8x Suicide attempts 3x Illegal drug use
Family Acceptance: How Being Supportive of our LGBTQ Youth Makes a Difference. LGBTQ youth who are strongly rejected by their families are six times more likely to exhibit signs of depression and three times more likely to use drugs than LGBTQ youth who are accepted by their families. 80% of high school students that are bullied for being gay, identify as heterosexual. 85% of students that identify as LGBT are verbally harassed. LGBTQ youth who are strongly rejected by their families are eight times more likely to attempt suicide than those accepted by their families. Latina LGBT girls have a significantly higher prevalence of suicide attempts than youth of any other race. Slightly less than half of LGBT Latino youth have an adult in their family they can turn to if they are worried or sad. LGBT Latino youth are twice as likely as non-LGBT Latino youth to say they do not "fit in" in the communities where they live.
An estimated 320,000-400,000 LGBTQ youth face homelessness in the United States each year.  40% of homeless youth are LGBTQ. 42% of homeless agencies do not address LGBTQ issues. 68% of homeless LGBTQ youth have experienced family rejection. 54% have experienced family abuse. 1 in 3 transgender people have been turned away from shelters 15% of homeless shelters reported that helping homeless LGBTQ youth is "not central to their mission" 14.4 the average age that lesbian and gay youth in New York become homeless 13.5 the average age that transgender youth in New York become homeless. $53,665 the estimated cost to incarcerate a youth for one year $5,887 the estimated cost to permanently move a homeless youth off the streets and prevent them from becoming incarcerated  Take action at
The Myth of Trans Regrets based on a 2011 study of 448 individuals performed by Gender Advocacy Training & Education Myth: a number of transgender people are beginning to admit that choosing to transition ruined their lives 94% of trans people reported an improvement in their quality of life due to transitioning 96% answered that their sense of wellbeing improved Myth: transitioning will make a person bitter and depressed 9 out of 10 responded that their overall personality improved due to transition 85% described their emotional stability as "improved" (11% reported no change) Myth: transgender people don't really want to change their body, they just get pressured into it Transition Satisfaction Rates 96% overall 97% hormone therapy 96% chest surgery 90% genital surgery
How to Be An Ally TSER.jpg
Why Support for Trans Youth Matters TSER.jpg

Research / Investigar

Just the Facts About Sexual Orientation and Youth Primer for Principals Educators School P
Just the Facts Spanish Cover.png
Supportive Families.png
Ninos saludables.png
Como Hablar Sobre El Genero y La Orientacion Sexual Talking about Gender and Sexual Orientation HERRAMIENTAS PARA TODAS LAS FAMILIAS A TOOLKIT FOR ALL FAMILIES Somos Familia Photograph of 4 Latinas of varying ages smiling at the camera
Out Safe and Respected A Guide to LGBTQ Youth in Schools for Educators and Parents Lambda Legal

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